Daniel Bhaumik, Civil Engineer from Carroll Engineering Corporation (CEC), attended the ASCE Philadelphia Younger Member Forum’s (YMF) Winter Social on February 4th held at McGillin’s Olde Ale House in Philadelphia. This is an annual event for young engineers in and around the Philadelphia area to network and socialize. The YMF was able to raise over $4,000 (CEC donated a raffle item to the event) which will be used to benefit local non-profits and STEM education initiatives, including the Future City competition and Friends of the Wissahickon. For more information about the ASCE Philadelphia YMF, please visit their website at http://www.ymfphilly.org/index.html, or please contact Mr. Bhaumik at dbhaumik@carrollengineering.com or 215-343-5700, ext. 256. For more information about CEC, please visit our website at www.carrollengineering.com.