Chester County Municipalities, be sure to familiarize yourself with the updated Act 167 Stormwater Management Model Ordinance. Due to the approaching deadline to implement the new model (for MS4 municipalities with an existing NPDES permit), we are ready to answer any questions that municipalities might have regarding the upcoming change.
What You Need to Know:
- MS4 municipalities were required to enact the original 2013 County-wide model ordinance by January 1, 2014.
- The current model ordinance update must be enacted in sufficient time after proper municipal review, advertising, public hearing, etc. such that the executed ordinance can be attached to the municipality’s Annual MS4 Status Report due to PA DEP by September 30, 2022 for MS4 municipalities with an existing NPDES permit.
- For MS4 municipalities with a new NPDES permit, the enacted/executed model ordinance update must be submitted to PA DEP with (or before) the 4th Annual MS4 Status Report following approval of coverage under the NPDES permit.
- For non-MS4 municipalities, the enacted/executed model ordinance update must be submitted to PA DEP within 6 months from the date of PA DEP’s approval of the updated County-wide model ordinance (pending).
- On February 10, 2022, the Chester County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution to replace the 2013 model ordinance with the 2022 model ordinance. It is anticipated that PA DEP’s approval of the 2022 model ordinance is imminent.
For More Information About Act 167:
Should you have any questions about the replacement of the 2013 model ordinance, please feel free to contact Brady Flaharty, P.E., our Municipal Practice Leader at 484-866-9669 or email bflaharty@carrollengineering.com.